Five am wake-up calls. Fifteen-hour flights. Long lines and lost baggage. Seeing the world and heading to new destinations seems glamorous but it can oftentimes be extremely stressful. With a crazy game schedule and playing all over the world, traveling has become a part of my job just as much as playing volleyball is. It’s essential to my performance to recover from long trips and different time zones. When I get to a new city, I want to be ready to get off the plane and hit the streets. That’s why I’ve created a travel routine to make sure I’m ready to start exploring! 


 Being prepared for your flight and travel day can help make the day easier and more comfortable. I like to make sure I have plenty of books, movies, podcasts and a journal to write with. I also bring an eye mask, Cocokind rosewater toner and golden elixir, ear plugs, neck pillow, and a tooth brush. Sidenote: the golden elixir is your best friend. Staying moisturized is essential to travel. Your skin can breakout a lot during a long travel day so I like to keep it clean before, during and after. Yes, I’m absolutely one of those weirdos who puts on a facemask as the flight is ending!


 Packing ahead of time and making sure you have your essentials should be on everyone’s travel routine, but there’s more to just making sure your boarding pass is printed. It’s vital that you stay hydrated the day of your flight. Airplane air is extremely dry. Have you ever woken up parched mid-flight? You can thank the planes air circulation for that. That’s why I make sure to stay hydrated the day of my flight, and I don’t drink caffeine while traveling. This helps me to beat jet lag, stay refreshed and sync up better with the time zone when I arrive. It also helps ward off sickness – including motion sickness from the flight, which I tend to if it’s really bumpy. 

Additionally, I eat a solid meal of protein, vegetables, fiber and healthy fat. I typically like to fast for digestion purposes on the flight, but if I can’t do this because I’m starving, I’ll bring with me a fatty snack with some fiber/protein in it. For example, I might have a packet of quinoa/millet oats with almond butter and Wildway recovery smoothie kit. Their smoothie kits contain L-glutamine, egg whites, and collagen so you’re getting more vitamins and minerals on top of protein!

I absolutely hate feeling bloated or having indigestion because of a long trip. It also keeps me full so I can avoid most of the airplane food, which never sits right. And, while it’s tempting to ask for that second glass of wine, it’s best to avoid it.  Many times after a 24 hour travel day, we have to head right to the gym to get a quick practice in so its crucial that my body feels ready after travel.

And finally, I love to get a good workout of some weights and cardio before trips. This always makes it easier for me to fall asleep or even just sit on long flights.  


I always look up the time zone I will be traveling to and plan when I will attempt to sleep on the plane. I usually hope to get around six-to-eight hours so that I’m rested when I land. A lot of people find it nearly impossible to sleep on planes. For that problem, I try to take a melatonin to help aid sleep. It’s a natural sleep aid and it’s always worked for me. I also will bring essential oils such as lavender and valerian. Lavender has natural calming affects and valerian can be used to improve sleep quality. Rub some on your forehead, neck, and wrists or put a drop of valerian in an herbal tea. You can also use these at home every day to improve sleep quality!

Stretching and movement are vital for your body. When I wake up, I’ll walk to the back of the plane to fill my water bottle and do some light stretches. It can be rough when you’re 6’2, but just getting in some movements has really helped.

Lastly, I like to wash my face and brush my teeth before I’m going to try to sleep. Making it feel like a normal night routine helps to trick my body into thinking it’s time for bed.

Have I mentioned to stay hydrated during flights? Try to plenty of water throughout the flight to make sure you are fighting of headaches and fatigue. It might be awful to have to go to the bathroom a lot, but I swear by drinking 2 liters of water or more on a flight. Upon waking up, I like to add Vega Sport Electrolyte Hydrator to 8oz of water. I also use this every day in my workouts or when I’m feeling a little dehydrated in general. 

Sidenote: If I decide to fast on the plane, I bring Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides and add them to black coffee. I absolutely believe in this product for all my skin, hair, and bone health! My nails and hair have never been stronger and my overall joint pain has decreased. I never go a morning without it.


Depending on what time I land, I make a point to get some kind of workout in – whether it’s yoga, weights or cardio. Getting the body moving, no matter how awful you might feel, will really help to get in the right time zone. 

Grounding is a great way to help your body reset to whatever country you’re in. To do this just head outside and let your feet get a little dirty. Whether it’s in the sand, water, or on the dirt, just walk barefoot outside. If it’s too cold, just being outside will do!

 Showering and a good meal are also musts after you land. It will help you decompress and refresh your body. If i’m arriving at home, I like to dry brush and hop in our infrared Sunlight sauna as well. Any attempt to detox the day off my body. I try to avoid napping or laying down for too long because that won’t help your body adjust to the new time zone. If I do nap it’s 45 minutes or 2 hours (exactly those). Studies have been done to show that anywhere in between or over can make the adjustment process harder. I’ve become a big fan of breathing exercises or meditation instead of napping. It will help relax you and gear you up to enjoy your latest travel destination.

 I love traveling and exploring new places. Making the most of these trips means it’s essential that my body feels ready to go upon landing. These travel tips will help you do the same!

Check out more of my travel tips on long international flights or how to get a great deal on flights!