Part of my job is to stay in shape. I can jump higher, hit harder and perform better when I put the right things in my body – plus my spandex fit better. But it can oftentimes be difficult when you are traveling and spending hours in an airport or hotel. I have a few tricks to eating healthy anytime I need to pack up and head out on the road.

#1 Pack Ahead if you Have a Checked Bag

Pack the items that you know you’ll need to be eating. You don’t necessarily need to check a bag either. If you are packing mainly solids, then load up a carry on with healthy snacks and meals. Many hotels have pots that make hot water, if not just call down to the front desk and most will bring one to your room. This allows you to make anything from oatmeal, tea/coffee, mountain meals or “just add water” meals that you can find at a Whole Foods or any type of healthy food store. Some places we go, I can’t eat the meat or vegetables; so, I really need to pack my suitcase with things that allow me to perform.

My typical packing list:

  • Vega One protein and greens
  • Oatmeal
  • Almond butter
  • Almond milk
  • Yerba mate
  • Nuts for snacking
  • Beef jerky
  • Dark chocolate bar

#2 Use a Small Blender

I bought a small, single serving, portable blender that allows me to have my protein shakes anywhere I want. I typically pack protein powder, almond milk and almond butter in my checked suitcase so I can add a shake to any part of my day if I’m not getting enough calories or nutrients.

#3 Research

Do some research. If you don’t have the luxury to check a bag, make sure you look up restaurants in the area you are headed. Restaurants offering fresh, organic food seem to be popping up everywhere. Even Beijing is now how to some great Vegan restaurants. If you take the time to research, you’ll have no problem finding an option that suits your needs. Breakfast tends to be the perfect time to load up on all the healthy goods you need. Breakfast in Istanbul offers so many choices for protein and in most places overseas you can find similar options. Eat a lot of fat and fiber to make sure you’re full for the entire day!

#4 Hit Up the Local Markets

Adventure outside of your hotel. Everywhere I’ve been – from Ningbo, China to Kalingrad, Russia – I’ve been able to find a fruit/veggie market somewhere nearby. I typically grab my bananas for smoothies and a couple items to snack on throughout the day! An added bonus? These markets are typically extremely cute and Instagram worthy!

#5 Cook Your Meals in Advance

Cook your meals. Prepare a big batch of quinoa and throw in some veggies with chicken before your trip. I put it in a Ziploc container and keep it in the fridge at the hotel. Quinoa can last up to six days so you can prepare a few meals to bring with you already made!

Bonus tip: Bring spices! I usually carry turmeric and cinnamon with me on road trips to add to eggs, oatmeal and chicken. It always makes the generic buffet taste a little more like home. Ps. check out my overnight oats recipe. Perfect for a quick, healthy breakfast you can make in any hotel room.